
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Free Marriage Class At FLRC

Well, almost free.

Each couple will use the text, Lasting Marriage--The Owners' Manual, available at $10 each, and we do urge participants to make a tax-deductible donation to the Family Life Resource Center at the end of series in lieu of a fee for the class.

Here are the themes covered in the four 7-8:30 pm sessions held in our classroom at FLRC starting April 14 and continuing each Monday through May 5:

1. We Learn to Invest More of Our Time and Creativity in Our 'Problem-Free Area'.

2. Each of us Focuses More on our 'Personal Problem Area' Rather Than Our Spouse's.

3. When it Comes to our 'Spouse's Problem Area', Each of us Practices Arguing Less, Listening More.

4. Together we Learn to Become Better Problem-Solvers and Decision-Makers in our 'Mutual Problem Area'.

Here are some comments from evaluations done by recent participants:

"We have learned so many helpful techniques that are providing hope and encouragement for us. Thank you!"

"I found the idea of the 'talking stick' very helpful, along with the idea of having a larger 'problem-free are' and then separate times set aside to talk about our problems."

"I found the ideas presented applying to many relationships, not just to our marriage."

"I liked the useful handouts which we were able to go over as a couple, and I loved hearing from other class members, too."

"I really like the book--clearly written and with memorable examples."

To register for the class contact or call 434-8450.

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