
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

New Petition To Governor McAuliffe (And Some More Background) Please Sign!

Jens Soering, behind bars for nearly 28 years
I am launching this new petition with addressed to Governor Terry McAulliffe, and urge all of you to sign it and share it with others.  Thanks!

You will find the links in the following Wikipedia article on former Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli helpful if you want more information on this case. Cuchinelli's efforts to block Soering's extradition is listed as one of his signature achievements in the Wikipedia piece, as follows: 


Extradition of Jens Soering to Germany

Jens Soering, 43, the son of a German diplomat and former Jefferson scholar at the University of Virginia, was convicted in 1990 and sentenced to two life terms for the 1985 first-degree stabbing murders of his then-girlfriend's parents, Derek and Nancy Haysom, in their Bedford County home, and held at the Buckingham Correctional Center in Dillwyn, Virginia.

Former Gov. Timothy Kaine, on the last day of his administration in January, 2010, approved a request from the German government and asked the Justice Department to transfer Soering back to Germany to complete his sentence. Newly elected Gov. Bob McDonnell, along with Cuccinelli, adamantly opposed the transfer. McDonnell formally notified the Justice Department just three days after taking office that it was imperative that Soering serve his time in Virginia and not in Germany, where a US news report said that he could have applied for parole after two years, although parole is only applicable after a minimum 15 years according to the German penal code.[76]
- Wikipedia 

Here's the link to the post about the previous petition to Governor McDonnell.

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