
Monday, August 12, 2013

Virginia Candidates--Where Do You Stand on Prison Reform?

“Remember those in prison as if we were together with them in bonds, and those who are mistreated as if we ourselves were suffering.” Hebrews 13:3

Here is a sample of some questions on prison reform you can send to current candidates for statewide offices. Feel free to select any of the italicized items below you want to copy and paste (and edit to your liking) and email to any or all of the following:

Candidates for Governor
Ken Cuccinelli
Terry McAuliffe

Candidates for Lieutenant Governor
Bishop E.W. Jackson, Sr.
Ralph Northam

Candidates for Attorney General
Mark Obenshain
Mark R. Herring

* * * * * * * *
Greetings ___________:

Here are some questions I would like your responses to as a candidate for the office of ____________:

• Do you support initiatives like that of Governor McDonnell's Task Force on Alternative Sentencing for Nonviolent Offenders?
• Do you support ongoing funding for re-entry and rehabilitation programs like the Harrisonburg Diversion Center, Gemeinschaft Home (Rockingham County) and Piedmont House (Albemarle County)?
• Would you support legislation banning the use of the restraint chair and the isolated padded cell for mentally ill and suicidally depressed inmates in our jails?
• Would you support a continued moratorium on new prison construction in favor of alternatives to incarceration like GPS monitoring technology for appropriate pretrial and post trial cases involving nonviolent offenders who could work to support their families and pay their court costs and fines?
• Do you support recent proposals to restore voting rights to rehabilitated offenders?
• Do you support greater utilization of Virginia’s Geriatric Parole Statute (Code § 53.1-40.01) as a way of reducing the growing cost of health care for aging inmates who no longer pose any danger to society?
• Do you favor reinstating parole in Virginia and offering reduced time for inmates who utilize every opportunity to rehabilitate themselves in prison and prepare for effective reentry?
• Would you support all inmates being supplied with the ID they need to be able to apply for jobs, driver's licenses, etc., upon release?

I look forward to your reply.



Click on this link for more of my posts on criminal justice.

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