
Friday, August 23, 2013

Combining Walking With Talking--A Modest September Experiment

A few facts:

I should exercise more, lose a few pounds and stay in better shape.

I like to walk, but my good wife prefers other forms of exercise, and I find it hard to stay motivated to walk alone.

I seem to have far too little time to spend with other friends and colleagues.

Trial September solution? Combine some walking with talking.

So if anyone out there is interested, let me know if you're up for a 7:30 or 8 am walk somewhere in the Park View area sometime in the coming month, or at some other place of your choice. I could even meet you for some rounds around the track at the EMU Commons, although I prefer the outdoors if the weather is nice.

It's an expression of my practical side, I guess, this experiment with multi-tasking. And I can think of any number of people I'd love to spend 30-45 minutes with in a brisk walk and for some good conversation.

Let me know if you're interested in accompanying me sometime in the coming month by emailing

First come, first converse.


  1. Harvey,
    Please come to Rochester to visit your daughter; I would love to multitask with you.

  2. We are planning to be in Rochester (Pittsford) in mid October. Why not?
