
Friday, June 14, 2013

Reaching The 60,000 Mark

Thanks to occasional or regular readers like you, I noticed this morning that there have been 60,000 page visits to this site since my first post in November, 2010 (the dates on the left side of the above Blogger graph are inaccurate for some reason).

Compared to many blog sites, of course, those numbers are exceedingly small, but they are at least enough to encourage a small-time writer like myself.

I've gotten occasional complaints about not being able to post comments without having a Google account. If you ever want to have me post something for you, or want to respond to me personally, feel free to email me at Also, if you're looking for an older blog post, you can always check out the "Blog Archive" on the lower right of this home page. Or if you want to search for a topic, you can type in a key word or words in the blank bar on the uppermost left hand of this page and click on the search icon (not that I expect many of you to do that!).

Also, for some odd reason, the posting time at the bottom of each piece is off by three hours,suggesting that I must be writing a lot in the wee hours of the morning. Haven't been able to fix that.

Thanks for your good support. The blog has been a good outlet for expressing some of my concerns, and becomes a kind of journal collection of some of my writing.

As always, your prayers, suggestions and responses are most welcome.


  1. And here all this time I've been thinking you were one of those self-righteous early birds. Well, that's one myth shattered!

    1. I wasn't interested in looking superior, but concerned about appearing crazy.
