
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Patient in Room 102B

My beloved, a most patient patient
Alma Jean's beautiful smile doesn't mean all the pain from her knee replacement surgery is over, but we've just learned that she'll get to come home Tuesday, April 16.

For those who don't know, she had her surgery at Augusta Health Friday, March 22. On the following Monday I brought her to the Virginia Retirement Community's Shenandoah Unit at  Oak Lea for extensive physical therapy, where she has been working out ever since.

She's still not ready to commit whether she'd be ready for the same procedure on the other knee, should that become necessary, but we're both grateful for some light at the end of this proverbial tunnel.

Meanwhile, we're so grateful to the Great Physician for all the grace she's experienced to help her through this. Also to her surgeon Dr. Pereles (aptly pronounced "peerless"), the good care providers at Augusta Health, the great physical therapists, nurses and other caring folks at VMRC, and to all the wonderful friends, family and church family folks for their cards, prayers and visits.

And likewise for all the food and other kindnesses shown me personally during Alma Jean's absence. I feel blessed indeed.

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