
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Gemeinschaft Dinner Raises Friends and Support

Senator Emmett Hanger spoke on criminal justice reform
Well over a hundred supporters attended the Gemeinschaft Home's annual "Friend-raiser" event held at the Park View Mennonite Church Saturday evening.

Residents, board members and guests enjoyed a delicious meal prepared by GH graduate  Keith Ridley, who has recently opened his own restaurant and catering business in Staunton. State Senator Emmett Hanger spoke about some of his vision for changes in the criminal justice system in Virginia and staff member Chris Johnson and board member Carl Stauffer gave an update on some of the positive developments and challenges at Gemeinschaft.

Emcee John Butler, GH grad and board member
One evidence of the Home's impact, for example, is that in a random sample of names of all graduates of the program in 2011 and 2012, only five were found to be re-incarcerated, an astounding number compared to a general recidivism rate of around 30% in the Commonwealth.

The board of the Home thanks everyone who helped make this evening a success, residents, board members, members of the staff and our many friends. A much needed and appreciated $7356 was raised by their efforts. Expenses for the dinner totaled just over $2000, including the great meal provided at a bargain $10 a plate.

Note: If you ever get to Staunton and are looking for a good place to eat, check out the Untouched Grill at 105 South Coalter Street. And thank Keith Ridley for his generous support of a program that gave him a second chance.

We also thank other contributors: Integrity Audio Service, LD&B Insurance, Weavers Floor Covering, Weyers Cave Medical Center,  Evergrowin' Greenhouse, Home Depot, Krogers, Lowes, Mistimorne Plants, Riverside Plants and Mulch, Spring Garden Green House and Park View Mennonite Church.

Photos by Dr. Sam Showalter, chair of the Gemeinschaft board.

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