
Thursday, March 28, 2013

A Royal Pain in the Knee

My longsuffering wife Alma Jean is currently in a rehab unit at the nearby Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community, recovering from her knee replacement surgery last Friday.

Her good surgeon Dr. Pereles (pronounced "peer-less") of Augusta Health near Staunton, where she had the procedure done, warned her she would have times of hating him for what he's put her through, but neither of us were quite prepared for how excruciating the pain could be. "Worse than having a baby," she said, and so bad I wished I could take turns enduring it for her.

Alma Jean has been a trooper, though, through it all. Bolstered by lots of love, prayers and pain medications, she's endured hours of having her leg strapped in the infamous Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) machine plus numerous sessions of physical therapy, starting at AH and now continuing at VMRC, where she has been since Monday.

We're so grateful to God, friends and family for all the support we've received. Members of our house church and others have brought in an abundance of food and flowers and have helped out in countless ways, including having some angels come in yesterday (while I was at work) and tidy up the place.

All of which helps deal with an ordeal that's clearly not for the faint of heart.

Her address is VMRC, Room 102B, 1475 Virginia Avenue, Harrisonburg, VA 22802.

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