
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Wisdom From #00186571 (guest post)

Bulue Berry is 23 years old and is currently at the Harrisonburg-Rockingham Regional Jail. He gave me permission to post some of his writing here.

He is glad to receive mail at c/o HRRJ, 25 South Liberty Street, Harrisonburg, VA 22801.

Here's one of his recent pieces:

Check Yourself

I have come to a realization of a reality
that of the inevitable chain reaction of a truth

When misery strikes
we live, lose and learn 

We make a mistake
that sometimes we learn from
and sometimes we relive
that same mistake
as if we refuse to learn
continually placing ourselves
in the same places
same situations
and around the same people,
that influence us in bad ways
causing us to be stuck in a moment of regret
or even a lifetime of regret
saying to ourselves

Never again will I ever put myself through this again

But as soon as the nightmare’s experience is lived
to be in the past
in due time
by natural order
that experience falls out of remembrance
as if forced from the mind

So just taking a little time
to understand our foolish ways
and lack of judgment
could be the key to not only
take us out of temptation
and the darkness of devastation
(like jail/prison)
but could also be the key
to open the door to the brighter side
which takes us
from the dark into the light
from misery and shame into love and happiness
where regret turns to certainty and
failure turns to success

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