
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Local Forum on Reducing Gun Violence!

A public forum to address ways to reduce gun violence will be held at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 6 at the Harrisonburg City Council Chambers  on 409 South Main Street. 
Tim Ruebke of the Fairfield Center will serve as moderator for the forum, which will be sponsored by the local chapter of the Fellowship of Reconciliation ( 

Panelists will include the following:
Former board member of Virginians Against Handgun Violence Ben Fordney summarizing national issues and President Obama’s proposals.
Marcia Garst or a representative from the Harrisonburg/Rockingham County Commonwealth Attorney’s office discussing local issues and public policy.
City Council member and attorney Richard Baugh addressing Constitutional and other legal concerns. 
Dwayne Martin, a former Harrisonburg Police Department officer and current Crossroads Counseling Center Mental Health Support Coordinator, relating experiences from both law enforcement and mental health perspectives.
Retired English professor Robin McNallie, examining myths and misperceptions on gun issues.

Admission is free to all, with audience comments and questions welcomed.

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