
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Thanks, Good Friends and Followers!

I posted my first Harvspot blog on November 25, 2010 (not 2009 as the above indicates).

So at just over two years, 248 blog entries and 34,683 page visits later, it's time to thank all of you who have helped make this a rewarding experience. Harvspot will never be an internet sensation, but I feel abundantly blessed by your encouragement and support.

A number of you have told me you were unable to post a comment. Apparently you need to signed on to a Google account in order to do so. Meanwhile, if you want me to post something for you, just email me at

My special, special thanks to all of you who have...
1. Signed on as a "follower" or "friend".
2. Left a comment on a post (or emailed me to post for you).
3. Told your friends about the site or posted a link to it on Facebook.
4. Felt free to offer your feedback or suggestions.


  1. Uncle Harvey,
    You're a pretty good philosopher but by any chance are you a little weak in math? I'm having a hard time coming up with 2 years starting from November of 2012!

    1. Work of a 73-year-old brain, dear nephew. I've corrected the date to 2010!
