
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Post Election Reflection

On the morning afterward, I wish everyone in the country could just live together in the spirit of two families who live nearby who posted the above signs on their front yards.

Let’s face it, the world is neither going to end nor will the nation be ushered into paradise as a result of this bitterly fought and often ugly race. Voting isn’t some great patriotic duty that assures ideal outcomes. The greater task for all of us, I believe, is to invest in the kind of prayer and persuasion all year round that influences our friends, families, neighbors and nations in good and godly directions.

A part of me agrees with my oldest son, who told me last night that for him voting most often seems like choosing between having a bad case of flu or contracting some unknown form of cancer. In other words, every nation, every world empire, is permeated and controlled by all kinds of evil forces that continue to be at work regardless of which party is in power.

As “resident aliens” we can only influence wherever we can, speak out whenever we must, and keep being a voice for God's lasting “peace on earth and goodwill towards all.”

Meanwhile, can we realize we can all benefit and learn from each other, and find creative ways of becoming "Knit Together by Differences"?

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