
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Retirement Investing With Better Returns

The March, 2012, issue of "Everyday Stewardship,” a publication of Everence (formerly Mennonite Mutual Aid) features an article, "Unique Retirement Investing," about some of our thinking about, and planning for, our retirement investments. We initially had some mixed feelings about being interviewed for the piece, but saw it as an opportunity to share some of the reasons we've chosen to invest most of our retirement in microlending programs rather than in Wall Street traded stocks.

An earlier post "How Microlending Could Revolutionize how we Help the Poor," gives some background on this, and the November 26, 2011, post, "Is it Time To De-Occupy Wall Street?" offers some additional perspective.

P. S. The picture accompanying the article (in "Everyday Stewardship") of Alma Jean and me at our house church is taken at the home of the members who hosted the meeeting that Sunday, Guy and Margie Vlasits, who operate a bed and breakfast near Keezletown.

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