
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Want To Be Really Happy?

Someone gave me this little piece on how to be happy recently, written by Harrisonburg resident Daniel Anderson, who gave me permission to share it with others. He is scheduled to undergo major brain surgery for a seizure condition in June.

If you want to be happy for an hour, take a nap.
If you want to be happy for a day, go fishing.
If you want to be happy for a week, take a vacation.
If you want to be happy for a month, get married. **
If you want to be happy for a year, win the lottery.
If you want to be happy for a lifetime, devote yourself to making other people happy. 

** Associating marriage with a mere month of happiness is the writer's attempt at humor, though he thinks it's all too often true!

All of this got me to thinking that if one were to add the line "If you want be truly happy forever," I would suggest heeding the words of Jesus,  who said:

How happy are the humble, for the kingdom of heaven is theirs.
How happy are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
How happy are those who work for justice and righteousness, for they will be completely satisfied.
How happy are the kind and merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
How happy are those whose hearts are pure, for they will see God.
How happy are those who strive for peace, for they will be called the children of God.
And supremely happy are those who are persecuted for doing right, for the kingdom of heaven is theirs.

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