
Monday, December 6, 2010

Bragging on Brad

 OK, its time for Dad to shamelessly promote his oldest son's latest CD (just in time for a Christmas gift!). Just click on the link "my son's music site" or

Here’s some of the press his album “Excellent Trouble” has gotten so far, as noted on his website :
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette — “... an album filled with beautifully recorded acoustic-based songs, united by (Yoder’s) honesty and vivid way with words.” (Scott Mervis)
Pitt News — “Pittsburgh native Brad Yoder is a songwriting virtuoso.” (Larissa Gula)
AcousticLive! in NYC — “This is a heavyweight album from a major talent.” (Richard Cuccaro)
Big Mama’s Blog—CD review interview — “... lyrics convey emotions in a really powerful manner.”
Pgh Tribune-Review
“Excellent Trouble.. exhibits a childlike zest for narrative and storytelling.” (Rege Behe)

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