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Christian Martyrs' Last Prayer, by Jean-Léon Gérôme 1883 |
"As far as your responsibility goes, live at peace with everyone. Never take vengeance into your own hands, my dear friends: stand back and let God punish if he will. For it is written: ‘Vengeance is mine. I will repay’... these are God’s words: ‘Therefore if your enemy hungers, feed him; if he thirsts, give him a drink; for in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head’. Don’t allow yourself to be overpowered with evil. Take the offensive—overpower evil by good!"
- Romans 12: 1, 18-21 J. B. Phillips translation
If you think the 21st century appeal to young men and women to join ISIL is radical and extreme, consider what it meant to heed the first century call to follow Jesus.
Each involves a lot of potential bloodshed, but with one big difference. For Jesus and his followers, the blood is all on one side. God's ultimate way of dealing with human sin and violence is by stopping it in its tracks, by absorbing it and refusing to be ruled by it, by offering an alternative life powered by resurrection and heaven-bent on reconciliation.
It is all about taking up a cross instead of taking up arms, about being armed with weapons of prayer and persuasion instead of with weapons of massive destruction. In the coming of Jesus, God declares war on violence itself, and makes of God's incarnate king a blood-sealed peace offering.
Early Christians were not naive about the cost of joining this radical movement inaugurated by Jesus. They were inspired by it, responding in large numbers to offer their lives as "living sacrifices" for this revolutionary "call to arms" in what has been called "The Lamb's War".
Times of intense persecution were intermittent during the first three centuries, so no one knows for sure how many Christians actually made the ultimate sacrifice, but they certainly numbered in the thousands under the reigns of Nero, Domitian and other ruthless emperors. The reasons they were martyred were not for joining another religion, per se, there were plenty of those, but because they refused to affirm the required Roman pledge of allegiance, "Caesar is Lord", having made their own enlistment vow, "Jesus is Lord". They chose the word "sacramentum" for their rite of baptism, borrowed from the Roman ceremony of enlistment into Caesar's army.
In the end, at one level the Christians won. In 325, the Emperor Constantine not only protected Christianity from further persecution, but became a nominal Christian himself, and made it the official faith of the empire. Ironically, this led to Christianity evolving into a religion that began to bless the use of force and to encourage its members to approve of war. And the rest is history.
Jesus wept.
Thanks, Harvey, you made it crystal clear.
Beautiful, Harvey. I hope many students both at Liberty and all around the country read this essay.
Thank you Harvey. I want to share this one of my relatives who is staff at Liberty.
Thank God for your comments and letter Harvey.
Very eloquent, Harvey, and deeply insightful. I fear that one of the pulls of Daesh/ISIS/ISIL is this willingness to self-sacrifice, but somehow it is being done through engaging in random violence against innocents rather than being executed for refusing to submit to a tyrannical authority as in the early Christians example. But, indeed, Jerry Falwell, Jr. should be ashamed of himself, even though I have heard that he has gotten lots of favorable feedback from students at Liberty U.
I appreciate everyone's comments. In all fairness, I should report that one recent graduate of Liberty University, currently a student at Eastern Mennonite Seminary, cautioned me against assuming that Dr. Falwell speaks for the majority of the staff and students there. Here's a link to his own excellent blog post on the issue: https://charlestinsley.wordpress.com/2015/12/06/he-came-as-a-baby-a-liberty-alumnis-response-to-jerry-falwell-jr/
Thanks for this clarification Mr. Yoder. As a current student at Liberty, I know for a fact that many of my fellow students, including myself, do not agree with what President Falwell said.
I'm so glad to hear from you as a student at Liberty. I hope the post didn't seem condescending or judgmental. I certainly didn't intend it to be.
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